Our culture and scientific values drive our daily behaviors. We look for people who love to collaborate, continuously learn and believe in scientific rigor!

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We are driven by scientific rigor  

We are not tempted to engineer outcomes; it is the rigor in our method that we need to be accountable to. We hold a high scientific standard and never falsify results.

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We help our clients think like scientists

We teach our clients to think like scientists and apply the scientific method independently.

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We pursue scientific knowledge

We seek to disrupt the status quo of our own knowledge-set by continuously keeping a close eye on the latest scientific research and conducting our own meta-analyses and research deep dives.

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We say “we”

We don’t want to perpetuate the myth of individual genius; science is a collective and iterative process. We rely on the work of a broad scientific community, across generations and disciplines.


We nurture curiosity and fun

We nurture and satisfy our curiosity through ongoing learning opportunities such as Visiting Scholars and Entrepreneurs, internal experiments and research deep dives.

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We are highly conscientious

We show courage to speak our minds and challenge assumptions. We don’t just accept the status quo and surrender to the Abilene Paradox.